What to expect from your Psychic Medium Reading

Photo by Darina Belonogova: https://www.pexels.com/photo/a-woman-in-gray-sweater-lying-her-head-on-a-wooden-table-7208998/

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Will my reading be like those I have seen on television?

It is always best to have an idea of the person or persons that you would like your Psychic Medium to connect with before your call starts. Many people start the reading by asking, "Are there any spirits around me, and do they have any messages for me?"

I understand the question because many people have viewed Psychic Mediums on television. The 'Long Island Medium' or the 'Hollywood Medium' and although I respect these mediums for their gifts their process is different from my own. For instance, the 'Long Island Medium' seems to keep her chakra energy open at all times and just seems to channel in spirits hanging around people. I do not keep my chakras open to allow myself for any spirit or entity to reach me and expect me to communicate through me.

A medium must have full control of their gifts and chakras at all times. That is why I am skeptical of the Long Island Medium's process. I feel strongly that if I were to practice in her way that I would quickly find myself in a psychotic state due to hearing voices and invoking who knows what!

I will say that my process is closer to the 'Hollywood Medium' because he uses automatic writing as I do and he also uses psychometry as I do too. For the cinematic effect, it is very likely that some of his readings could be scripted, but of course, I cannot say for sure. The point is that he is able to get names correctly from those that have passed and I will say that is very hard to get correct with everyone, whereas he seems to hit every name every time.

how do you know that it is your loved one connecting?

Usually, your loved one will start to communicate with me about their physical body and those very unique attributes that made them the individual that they were. Such as what was happening to their body before they crossed over to heaven. Some deaths are very traumatic and some are very peaceful. This information gives the client the validation that it is their loved one that I am connecting with.

Sometimes it is very clear the nature of the relationship between you and your loved one, but I must say, the relationship that I may mistake the most is that of a grandparent. When this happens the grandparent is coming in as a very close friend versus a parental figure. I suppose most grandparents want to really enjoy the grandchild and have to be very careful not to parent to be respectful of their own child and their parenting position.

Usually, it is clear that the person is a parent or wife, husband, sibling, child, or friend.

tell me the name of the person that you would like for me to connect with

It is my process to ask for the first name of the person that has crossed over. It is my very strong belief that our loved ones that have crossed over are living a full eternal life. Just like you, on any given day they may be busy working at their job, visiting family, or seeking the guidance of a teacher or elder person in their life.

I believe that good manners are transcendent across the universe. I like to invite them to connect through me to you and ask your permission to do so as well. Just like it would be rude to barge into your home uninvited, for me, it is important to ask or invite them in first. There are times that certain people in life were very religious and feel that connecting with a person like myself is wrong or against God. I generally will be able to connect with these types of people, but they will be reserved and clearly show me their bible or other religious tokens. Some people were just skeptical in life of psychics and they proceed slowly but generally, I gain their trust through showing them my heart and my love for you the client, and that I am reaching them to aid in the healing process.

timing is everything!

Depending on how recent in time that your loved one died will also have an effect on the clarity of information that I will receive. In my many years of experience in connecting with those that have crossed - timing is everything!

What I have learned in general is that most people when they cross over to heaven are greeted by guardian angels and one or two loved ones. The goal is to help them to understand that they no longer have the physical body element to their existence and are no longer bound to the earth in a gravitational way.

Many times they may believe that they will wake up from a dream and be back in their bed or the hospital. The guardian angels allow what I like to call 'moments of grace' this is time for them to communicate with their loved ones and to be present with them. They are able to see them grieving their loss and making arrangements for their body to either be buried or cremated. They are usually allowed to have this very present experience for as long as it takes for them to accept their own death. In my opinion, this process usually lasts until the end of the memorial service or funeral. For this reason, it is important not to delay their memorial or funeral if you can.

Once a service has been completed, they are then guided on to that place that we call heaven. They have so much to learn, they are given a life review and given guidance about their life experience. They are given some options as to how they will proceed on whether that is to be born again or to become a spiritual guide in their chosen field of work. I believe that free will is a gift given on the planet earth. You can make some choices on the other side, but they are more like choices between a few options versus just being able to do whatever you want. Afterlife has a guiding purpose and everyone understands their work and how they contribute.

This new phase takes time and during this time it can be hard to connect directly with your loved one. A family member or spirit guide will usually connect them to me. If it is a family member, they will be very clear as to who they are and their connection to your loved one. Usually, the person that steps forward has been crossed over for at least two years.

healing takes time

In general, it takes about one year for your loved one to connect with me directly. You will get some validation within that first year, but after one year the connection is stronger and much more validating and healing. It seems to me that you both need this time to accept the loss. As more time passes, your loved one will be connecting with you without the aid of a medium and you will know that they are present in your life.

I am very sorry for your loss and I hope that you will let me connect you to your loved ones to assist you in your grieving process.

Wishing you light, luck & love 💕
